Instagram Account Hacking

Cyber Dioxide
3 min readJul 19, 2023


How to hack Instagram accounts with 2FA Bypass easily in few steps.

Instagram brute-force used to be the weapon of hacker in past, but as time passed, Instagram updated its security policy with 2FA auths and IP login block. So when you try to login from different IP’s again and again, Instagram will send a verification code even if you got the password with Brute-force. So i decided to find a great solution for it that can help everyone waiting for method on hacking his EX or her EX Instagram account. :)

Product URL:

I contacted my friend and he coded the Instagram login template for me. But if you see the below Figure 1.1, there is no option for bypassing 2FA

Figure 1.1

I contacted another friend of mine and discussed the problem, here what he asked me to get, Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2

At this point i got nearly everything, but the server was left. I decided to code the server in my own style with Flask python. I coded the endpoints for login and 2FA. Here’s the code snippet.

All this code is doing is nothing more than just displaying the above phishing pages. If anyone tries to login i gets nothing. Moving towards main part, managing the creds of users.

This code is simple and should be able to make sense if you are already a python programmer, at this point if i try to login, this is how it will look like

Username, Password

You see this, but what if my victim has slow internet connection? or what if i have multiple victims? The code in terminal moves so fast when someone tries to login, how can i manage username and password without making the victim feel suspesious?

Ladies and Gentleman here’s what the solution is.

The discord webhook, now when someone tries to login, i get notified on my phone about username and password, i immediately go and try to login, the victim gets security code, and when he enters that security code, i eventually gets that code.


That was it from today’s blog, if you liked this blog make sure to follow and like. If you want to hire me for coding tasks, development tasks, or as an employee in your company. You can contact me on Telegram.


Have a great day, and I’ll see you in next blog.



Cyber Dioxide

Iam a student and a part-time programmer and self taught cyber security analyst. Visit my github if you want python exercises